Deep Hole Timber Drilling
Modern timber design has created demand for concealed tension rods to be placed within timber members to meet extreme engineering requirements. We have developed timber drilling technology that allows us to drill timbers longitudinally at lengths up to 36 feet and diameters up to 4-5/8". This technology is also useful for hidden wire chases and for stress relief to minimize checking.
2" diameter holes through Port Orford Cedar Columns for threaded rod tension connection.
Hole accuracy ranges from plus or minus 1/4" @ 8', to 1 1/4" @ 16' in most material. Sound, low-character material produces the best results. Holes longer than 8' are typically drilled from both ends to reduce drill bit drift and control start and exit points. If you have a special drilling project, contact Jeff Hamilton or Tom Harris to discuss your drilling needs.
Axial Connection with deep hole drilling and steel tensioning rod